Supporting Better Public Awareness

Many of you will be aware that in 2019 Marine Scotland will be collecting rod effort data for the first time alongside the annual rod catches for salmon and sea trout. We have been made aware that Marine Scotland have now included a frequently asked questions section to their website regarding this issue.  To access the FAQ’s click on the link below:-
Collecting DATA FAQ’s

Or Below

At this point, to make collecting these data easier, we are asking that you record rod effort as the number of rods fished each day, summed across the month – regardless of the amount of time actually spent fishing on the day.
 The number of ‘rod days’ each month is therefore the number of rods fished each day, across the whole month. As an example, if 2 rods fish on each of 10 days in a month, then there have been 20 rod days.
 We recognise this is a simple measure of effort and we may seek to refine these estimates in the future. The usefulness of extremely accurate rod effort data (e.g. down to the hour or half hour) needs to be balanced with the practicality and feasibility of its collection.

What if I only fish for an hour or so in a day?
 As above, we are asking that you record rod effort as the number of rods fished each day, summed across the month – regardless of the amount of time actually spent fishing on the day. We recognise this is a simple measure of effort and we may seek to refine these estimates in the future.
What if I don’t catch any fish?
 See guidance below regarding fishing for sea trout but, in general, effort is a measure of the time spent fishing, even if no salmon are caught, and each day’s fishing should be recorded as a rod day.
What if there is no fishing for salmon in a month/year?
 If a catch form is being returned but no fishing for salmon took place in a particular month, zero rod effort should be reported for that month (see example below).
 If a catch form is not being returned because the fishery is considered ‘dormant’ (i.e. no fishing takes place for salmon or sea trout in any month) there is no need to report zero rod effort.
Anglers use various methods other than fly rods which may catch salmon (e.g. trolling, dapping, baiting), should ‘rod effort’ be recorded in these instances?
 Yes. ‘Rod days’ refers to fishing by any method.
If an angler goes out fishing specifically for sea trout but catches salmon instead, should rod effort be recorded?
 Yes. While we recognise that in this case the intention was to catch sea trout and not salmon, if any salmon were caught then a rod day should be recorded
for salmon.
 Any non-specific angling (i.e. aiming to catch salmon and sea trout) undertaken should be treated as angling for salmon.
Fishing for Caught Record rod effort?