Safeguarding our rivers for future generations

Guardians Of Our Rivers – Free Training

Freshwater invertebrate training - Kyle of Sutherland - June 2023

Buglife - The Invertebrate Conservation Trust have kindly offered to deliver free training to volunteers as part of the Guardians of Our Rivers project. Kyle of Sutherland Fisheries Trust would like to increase monitoring of aquatic invertebrates within the district to better understand the effects of climate change on the river environment and on the aquatic invertebrate populations, upon which the fish populations depend for food, especially during spring.

If you are interested in getting involved, to help us find the best date in June, please send us your preference for weekday, weekend or evening training.

The training is 6 hours altogether (3 hours theory via Zoom or in person, and 3 hours face to face at a monitoring site of your choice). The training and support are free.  Kit can be provided for groups with no access to funds.  Kit can be found here Riverfly Partnership Approved Kit | NHBS Datenerfassung und Monitoring.

For further information see the Guardians of our Rivers - Buglife projects. For example, Riverfly on the Esk now have 16 monitoring sites and 51 trained volunteers enabling catchment scale monitoring to be realised. For further information see Riverfly on the Esk | Scotland's environment web

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