Protect. Enhance. Conserve.

Carron Radio Tracking

The Carron Radio Tracking project is designed to examine the habitat use of adult Atlantic salmon on the River Carron. Of particular importance are the conditions that allow them to pass certain barriers such as Glencalvie falls, but also the dam at Glen Beag. Estate workers have observed fish ascending above the dam in high water conditions, and electrofishing surveys have confirmed the presence of juvenile salmon and salmon-trout hybrids.

The Report from the first year's tracking can be found here River Carron Tracking Report 2019. The project will be running again in 2020 on a broadened scale with fish being tagged along a greater length of the Carron. This should allow for more fish to be caught, and make the project more of a success. The limited nature of tagging in 2019 combined with the incidence of skin damage ("red belly") resulted in few fish being tagged, but we are hoping to tag around 40 -50 fish in 2020.

Fish caught will be donated by anglers. Ghillies on the Carron have contact details of board staff who will be able to undertake tagging, and posters will be around as well. See below for a calendar with the days staff will be able to undertake tagging. Some days will be unavailable due to commitments with other projects (such as smolt trapping), however we will keep this calendar updated.